Over the next few weeks, we'll be rolling out exciting improvements to the Strategy Explorer and Action Plan.


Frequently Asked Questions


How much is a licence for My Genius Finder? 


My Genius Finder membership costs £42 (£35 + VAT) for 12 months unlimited access, downloads and free upgrades.


What is the difference between My Genius Finder and Genius Finder Pro? 


My Genius Finder is the portal for individual users whereas Genius Finder Pro is the portal for companies and their staff.


If I buy My Genius Finder, will my subscription automatically renew? 


Your subscription does not automatically renew to ensure there’s no unwanted charges.


What if I forget my password? 


If you forget your password it can be reset it via the Forgot Password link on the Sign In page.


What kind of recommendations will I see on my report? 


Your report will contain recommendations to help you improve your weakest areas and help you make the most out of your competencies and strengths.


How long is the report? 


Your report will contain all information about your strengths, competencies and areas for improvement. You can expect it to be approximately 90 pages.


Will the recommendations in my report cost a lot of money? 


The recommendations are designed with cost factors in mind with the aim to keep them free or otherwise as affordable as possible.


Will my line manager see my report? 


Reports are available only to the user and cannot be accessed by anybody else. It is completely up to the user whether or not to show their line manager their report.

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